Monday, March 10, 2008

In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue

Today in 1496 Christopher Columbus concluded his second visit to the Western Hemisphere as he left Hispaniola for Spain. He returned to Spain to ask for more support fro his La Isabela colony on Hispaniola.

Christopher Columbus left Spain on August 3, 1492 with a fleet of three ships: Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. He sailed and piloted the Santa Maria. The other two were small ships called caravels. The Santa Maria was a larger, round-hulled ship called a nao. All three ships carried about 120 men, equipment, and supplies.

Of the three ships, only the Santa Maria was built with a deck, and it was a much slower, heavier ship. The keel on the Santa Maria was about 115 feel long. The keel on the Nina and Pinta were about 50 feet long.

Their goal was to find a new passage to Asia, but after a few wrong turns, they didn't make it to the American mainland until his third voyage in 1498.

Our replica of the Santa Maria model is 1:38 scale. Her overall dimensions are 35" long x 16" wide x 28" high.

To learn more about our Santa Maria, please visit our website.

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